Friday 10 February 2017

Okes Player Dies - Unseen Blood Bowl News

Breaking News - Glenwood Okes lineman Legolas Moonglove died this morning, from injuries sustained in a mach against the Banshees on Wednesday evening.

Legolas Mooonglove as a Starwood Forest lineman during the 'ranked play' era.

Okes manager, Wade Wonfor announced the tragic death during a brief press conference a few hours ago, going on to say "We are saddened to have such a talented young player with so much potential cut down in his prime. Our loss will only serve to motivate us further to honour his memory. Our hearts and prayers go out to Legolas' family in this hard time."

Moonglove was rushed off the pitch late in the second half, after a flying tackle by Banshee runner, Koriandir Starfire, sent him crashing to the ground. It was later revealed that he had sustained massive damage to his upper xylem system as well as multiple broken branches and a splintered jaw. Yesterday Moonglove was in a stable conition, but it quickly deteriorated overnight.

On Thursday morning, Banshees manager Keith Gammage announced the signing on of witch elf Hecate Shrike, and rumours quickly began to circulate that Starfire was being permanently benched by the Banshees due to increasing pressure from 'plant rights' activist group PETP. PETP routinely stages protests outside the Oakes stadium over their use of dryads and other plant-creatures in Blood Bowl tournaments, and the serious nature of Moonglove's injury had sent them into a frenzy, leading them to picket the Banshee's training grounds.

Starfire has been unavailable for comment, however, in an interview with us, Gammage has slammed the rumours as 'complete nonsense', saying, "It was always the plan to hire Hecate when her contract with the Darkland Rangers ended, in order to take the pressure off of Kori. Kori's astonishing success on plays unsuited to a runner are a testament to her sheer talent, which is why we don't want to overextend her, and will only be fielding her on offensive plays. She is not being 'benched', and is actually good friends with Hecate from their club days. Needless to say, she and our entire team are saddened by the death of Mr Moonglove, as we have great respect for the Glenwood Okes team, and have always believed that trees should be allowed to play Blood Bowl."

Legolas Moonglove first rose to prominence when his team at the time, Starwood Forest, won the Athol Loren Cup. His signing onto the Glenwood Okes was his chance at stardom, now sadly cut short. Legolas is survived by his wife and six seedlings.

- Rooters

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