Monday 6 February 2017

Blood Spatter: Blitzmania Kicks Off!


Greetings sports fans, and welcome to Blood Spatter, your weekly look at Blood Bowl! I'm Bill Billingham, and alongside me is Erin Eventide. Hello Erin!

Hello Bill!

Well, the Unseen League kicked off this Saturday, and what a start it was! The first game was a showdown between the Banshees and the Ridgeback Raiders. The Raiders, named after owner Jared Ridge, are a pretty new human team that were put together at the last moment. We don't know very much about them. The Banshees on the other hand, have been playing in the minor leagues for a while. What can you tell us about them, Erin?

Well Bill, the Banshees are a dark elf team, notable for being all-female and for dressing in garish magenta. They are owned and managed by Keith Gammage, and are focused on a fast-defensive playstyle.

They also field a pair of identical twins as their wingmen. I can't tell them apart.

That's what player numbers are for, Bill.

It was a cracker of a game, that's for sure, with the Banshees scoring a total of four touchdowns, three of which were made possible by quick passes or handoffs by lineman KJ Blackthorn, earning her the coveted MVP award! The final score was 4-0.

I must point out that the scoreline wasn't a good reflection of the game at all. The Raiders didn't play badly by any means. They had good solid strategy, and managed to punch holes in the Banshee's defense on multiple occasions, only to have unlucky fumbles cost them a touchdown.

There was only a single casualty in the game, to one of the Raider's throwers, unfortunately, we have not recieved any news as to how badly he was hurt.

But onto the next game! It kicked off shortly after the first, and was between the Green Unseen, a goblin team managed by Brad Petzer, and the Glenwood Okes, a wood elf team owned by Wade Wonfor.

Bill, there are so many levels of pun in that last team name, I literally can't even.

The wood elves team was actually comprised entirely of dryads, and probably would have terrified anything smarter than a goblin. As expected, the Green Unseen spent most of the time cheating, and getting away with it, and squig-riding goblin Zug 'Speedy' McGuffin even managed to score two touchdowns, winning the match 2-0.

Quite an upset, Bill, as goblins winning games of Blood Bowl is incredibly rare. I guess we will have to wait and see if this is a fluke, or if a goblin team has finally come up with a formula for success.

Two dryads were sent off due to injuries they sustained, but Wade has told us that he is confident will be back in time for their next game. I wonder though, if his bark is worse than his bite.

...just no.

The Greens didn't come out completely unscathed either, as Aric Foxblade threw a crunching tackle at the goblin Zig, who had to be rushed off the field. We hear that he has suffered a completely smashed ankle, and will have to miss at least the next game.

That's a nasty one, there's no telling how long it will take to heal, or if Zig will ever be the same again. I look forward to the Okes next game though, as some of their player showed great potential for growth!

The third match saw the Banshees go up against the Orange Rats, a skaven team owned by the plague lord, Michael Thurley. I wonder if the Banshees are quite sane, deciding to play two matches in a single day.

I think perhaps the Banshees fell victim to the flaw of every elf, overconfidence. And I'm allowed to say that Bill, cause I'm an elf. But lets talk about the Rats. I hear you've been keeping an eye on them in the minor leagues.

Every Rats match I've seen has been a bloodbath, and this was no different. Four casualties and 7 knockouts in a single game! One of the twins went down early in the first half, and didn't get up again. The but Banshees responded by scoring a touchdown anyway, courtesy of lineman Daala Darkleaf and then frustrated the Rats by consistantly marking both Gutter Runners, negating thier superior mobility. Unfortunately, they lost Daala to a slamming tackle by Fluffy the Rat Ogre, meaning they went into the second half two players down.

Daala has scored a touchdown in every game the Banshees have played, earning her the nickname 'Darling'. Her teamates were NOT happy about the injury, Bill.

Yes, which is why early in the second half, they ganged up on Fluffy, and a flying tackle by the remaining twin sent him to the hospital. Even so, the Rats managed an equaliser, and though the Banshees threw everything they had at the Rats, they were unable to score a decider, leaving the match as draw.

I think the Banshees just ran out of steam at the end of the game, they'd done too much running and taken too many blows. I don't think they'll be playing a double-header again. My sources do tell me is that all of their players will be making a full recovery before their match against the Glenwood Okes on Wednesday.

With the reputation the Rats have, I think the Banshees are counting themselves lucky to have both drawn the game and not have suffered a permanent injury. They lead the league, with 4 points, with the Green Unseen in second at 3 points - but the goblins do have a game in hand. It's all to play for! So, Erin, before we go, what are you looking forward to the most in the weeks to come?

I think the match between the Banshees and the Oaks! I don't think the Banshees will have an easy time of it, as the Oaks are better at punching though defenses than the other teams the they have enountered. Gildas Greenleaf in particular is a player to watch, as his passes are something special. How about you, Bill?

You know I love the twins, Erin. Hope to see them blitzing all over the field on Wednesday. But that's all we have time for folks! She's Erin Eventide, and I'm Bill Billingham, and this has been Blood Spatter!

Images from Games Workshop. More info on the Blood Bowl game at

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