Thursday 9 March 2017

Blood Bowl News: Playoffs Decided, Starfire Earns Accolade

With the results of last night matches, we now know what the playoffs will look like, with league leaders the Banshees coming up against the fourth-place Gunnar Uffe on Saturday, and the Orange Rats playing the Green Unseen on Sunday morning. The winners of each semifinal will face each other in the finals on Sunday afternoon, with the final winner receiving the coveted Invisible Trophy.

The coveted Invisible Trophy

After her team's 2-0 win against Gunnar Uffe last night, Koriandir Starfire, runner for the Banshees, became the first league player to earn the status of Emerging Star. The match, in which she completed two passes, scored a touch down, and earned 'most valuable player' was one of the Banshee's bloodiest yet, leaving kicker KJ Blackthorn and witch elf Hecate Shrike hospitalised, and lineman Laalia Tyrin-Stillwater dead.

In an interview after the match, Starfire called her accolade 'a team effort', saying that she could not have done it without the help of Dextra Windstrike, Hecate Shrike and Veera Voidfire, before stating "Laalia paved the way for us, and we will always remember her." When asked about facing Gunnar Uffe again on Saturday, Starfire said "We aren't scared of them. We are the Banshees. We are invincible."

Starfire has scored four touchdowns, completed seven passes, caused one casualty, and been awarded MVP twice this season. The Banshees play the Green Unseen on Friday, before going on to face Gunnar Uffe in the semifinals.

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