Friday 21 December 2018

Hecuba's Harridyns

Grand Alliance: Order
Allegiance: Daughters of Khaine
Temple: Hagg Nar
Realm: Aqshy

Slaughter Queen Hecuba - Unlike most slaughter queens, who earn their rank by dint of their fearsome reputations, Hecuba has done nothing noteworthy. At least, nothing noteworthy that anyone save Morathi knows about. She eschews the normal flamboyant hairstyle of her kin, and has been given command of a rather eclectic group of lieutenants.

Shryke Queen Iryss - It is rare that a khineri is elevated to the priesthood of Khaine. Iryss is known for her speed, her multicoloured hair, and her ability to whip her witch aelves into a murderous frenzy.

Witch Queen Evanora Mawbane - Evanora earned her epithet after stabbing a Maw-Krusha in the nose. She has earned a reputation of surviving impossible odds to hold important objectives, swaying the outcome of many battles, and is believed to have the blessing of Khaine himself. And she's no slouch in fighting, having once taken out an entire squad of skeletons by herself. Unfortunately, she has so far outlived all of the slaughter queens she has served under.

Witch Queen Phariss - Until recently, Faryss lived on Chamon, but after the recent fall of her home temple, she has joined Hecuba's warband. She is said to have iron constitution and steely resolve.

Ophelia Blackblood and Veyra Nightshade - Little is known about the strange gorgon-sorceress Ophelia, and her constant companion, the shadowblade assassin Veyra. Ophelia is skilled at shadow and blood magic, having knowledge of the fearsome Mindrazor spell. Veyra wields a very unusual weapon for an assassin - a bladed goad-stave, traditionally used by the guardians of Bloodwrack Shrines.